Our Team

Steve Cochran
Project Manager

Steve Cochran is a seasoned professional in the concrete industry, dedicated to mastering industry best practices to deliver top-notch results for every customer. When you request a free estimate, you will likely meet Steve, who will take the time to understand the unique aspects of your project and offer suggestions to enhance it. Once the estimate is approved, Steve will manage the crew to ensure the project is completed to the highest standards. Throughout the process, he will ensure that all best practices are followed meticulously and that no detail is overlooked.

Steve's passion for construction is evident, and his team shares a strong bond with him, working together seamlessly to achieve excellence in every project. He remains accessible during and after the project to address concerns and ensure everything goes smoothly. Meeting Steve is a pleasure; he genuinely enjoys connecting with new people and building lasting relationships.

Floy Campbell
Office Manager

Floy oversees the entire office and staff, excelling at multitasking and ensuring projects are completed precisely from start to finish. She remains actively engaged throughout the process and is often the friendly voice you hear when you call. Floy excels in collecting requirements and communicating effectively, striving to ensure every project runs seamlessly and meets the highest standards.

Her dedication to her job is matched by her understanding of the importance of a smooth and efficient project for our customers. Floy enjoys quality time with her family and kids outside of work, reflecting her balanced and committed approach to her professional and personal life.

Mark Fightmaster

Mark is our resident expert in heated driveways and sidewalks, fully trained by Pro-Line. He has a deep understanding of the product, best installation practices, and the ability to bring everything together flawlessly. As a project manager, Mark excels at overseeing projects from start to finish, ensuring that all parties are well-informed and schedules are meticulously followed. His expertise guarantees a seamless execution of every project.

Given the high cost of heated driveways, each project must be managed and supervised with the utmost care. Mark takes his responsibilities seriously, and his strong leadership and attention to detail will be evident throughout the process. His dedication and skill make him both a scholar and a champion in his field, and you will appreciate his commitment to excellence every step of the way.


Letter of Recommendation

Angel Pulido
Team Leader

Floy oversees the entire office and staff, excelling at multitasking and ensuring projects are completed precisely from start to finish. She remains actively engaged throughout the process and is often the friendly voice you hear when you call. Floy excels in collecting requirements and communicating effectively, striving to ensure every project runs seamlessly and meets the highest standards.

Her dedication to her job is matched by her understanding of the importance of a smooth and efficient project for our customers. Floy enjoys quality time with her family and kids outside of work, reflecting her balanced and committed approach to her professional and personal life.


Toni Guerero
Team Leader

Toni is a seasoned concrete finisher with over two decades of hands-on experience in the industry. Known for his exceptional skill and meticulous attention to detail, Toni has built a reputation for delivering top-quality finishes on every project. His expertise spans various concrete finishing techniques, from smooth and polished surfaces to intricate decorative patterns.

Throughout his career, Toni has completed numerous high-profile projects, earning the trust and admiration of clients and colleagues alike. He approaches each job with a commitment to excellence, ensuring that every surface he works on meets the highest durability and aesthetic appeal standards.

Beyond his technical prowess, Toni is valued for his strong work ethic and collaborative spirit. He thrives in team environments, always willing to share his knowledge and mentor less experienced colleagues. His passion for concrete finishing is evident in his work, and he continually seeks to expand his skills and stay updated with the latest industry advancements.

When Toni is not perfecting concrete surfaces, he enjoys spending time with his family, exploring the outdoors, and engaging in community service projects. His dedication to his craft and his community makes Toni not just an expert concrete finisher but also a respected and cherished member of the industry.

Lalo Diaz
Team Leader

Lalo is a highly experienced concrete finisher with over twenty years of experience in the industry. Renowned for his precision and craftsmanship, Lalo has earned a stellar reputation for delivering superior-quality finishes on various projects. His expertise covers everything from sleek, polished surfaces to complex decorative designs, making him a versatile and skilled professional.

Throughout his extensive career, Lalo has been entrusted with numerous projects, consistently exceeding client expectations and earning the respect of his peers. His dedication to excellence ensures that every project he undertakes is completed to the highest standards, with a keen eye for detail and a commitment to durability and aesthetics.

Lalo is also known for his strong leadership and teamwork abilities. He excels in collaborative environments, often mentoring junior colleagues and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. His passion for concrete finishing drives him to stay abreast of industry trends and advancements, ensuring his skills remain cutting-edge.

Outside of work, Lalo values family time enjoys outdoor adventures and actively participates in community service. His balanced approach to life and work and unwavering commitment to quality make Lalo a distinguished and respected figure in the concrete finishing industry.

Why Chооѕе Best Denver Concrete?


Customer Service: It bеginѕ with our initial ѕitе assessment аnd frее estimate while соntinuing throughout project completion. We carefully соmmuniсаtе tо уоu еасh step оf the соnѕtruсtiоn рrоjесt. This аllоwѕ оur customers tо аddrеѕѕ any concerns uрfrоnt аnd tо make sure their nееdѕ аrе mеt. Our thorough, ассurаtе аnd frее еѕtimаtеѕ аrе dеѕignеd tо help you knоw аll оf уоur соѕt uрfrоnt.

Quality: Our соmmitmеnt to quality bеginѕ in оur рrе-соnѕtruсtiоn рhаѕе. This iѕ when оur tеаm reviews рlаnѕ, generates a project specific wоrk-рlаn аnd соmmuniсаtеѕ this plan tо еvеrуоnе involved. We are раѕѕiоnаtе аbоut рrоviding уоu the vеrу bеѕt оn еvеrу jоb.

House Keeping: We always make sure our works are clean an eye-catching. Our рhilоѕорhу iѕ not only to build up your concrete but to also clean as we gо. Throughout еасh project our crews kеер the wоrk area сlеаn and оrgаnizеd.

Experience: Our team leaders have been doing concrete for over thirty years. Nо matter what your соnсrеtе iѕѕuе iѕ, frоm driveways to retaining walls, wе’rе fаmiliаr with it. Wе’ll hаvе a ѕоlutiоn tо whatever соnсrеtе project уоu hаvе.

Call us today and we'll bid your job quickly and once approved we'll complete your job with excellence. Want to really understand who we are? Take a moment to read our Community Involvement.

  • We provide free estimates for all concrete projects.
  • You may schedule a free onsite estimate by calling us at 303-900-5889 or booking an online appointment.
  • We are available M-Th 8 to 5, Friday 8-12.
  • We service the entire Denver metro area. Our office is located in Parker, Colorado. 
  •  You can submit questions or request a free estimate by calling us or clicking on the "Request Estimate" link at the top of this page and completing that form. 

Thank you so much for considering our company. Please check us out on Google Business to see what other customers say about us.

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